Gotta Grow Garden Contest

Garden Contest Flyer

garden imageGarden Contest QR code

If there is a silver lining in all of these April and May showers we've been getting, it's that the groundwork has been laid for a fantastic garden season! This year, we want to recognize the time and effort that gardeners (and home improvers) invest in their gardens and landscaping, so we hope you will take a few moments and enter our first-ever Hatfield "Gotta Grow" Garden Contest. We're starting with five categories—General Garden, Edible Garden, Pleasant Porch, Outdoor Oasis, and Curb Appeal. See the poster for descriptions.
The contest is open to residents of Hatfield Township AND Hatfield Borough. We would love for you to enter online at the link below, but you can also download and print the entry form below. Entry forms will also be available at the township and borough offices. The deadline to enter is June 28; we realize timing can be tricky with gardens, but don't let that keep you from entering! There is no cost to enter.
Your garden, porch or oasis doesn't have to be the biggest or the most expensive. We just want your entry to convey the pride you take in it and the joy it brings you! One more thing: We're asking you to support your entry with at least one and up to five photos. They can be mailed to [email protected] by June 28. Judging and announcement of the winners will take place in mid-July.
If you have any questions, or want some help choosing a category to enter, don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. We hope you will share this news and invite your friends to enter.
Enter the garden contest here:
Download and print an entry form here

Entry forms can also be picked up in the borough or township offices.