Rules and Regulations

GuidelinesRules and Guidelines

The Hatfield Aquatic Center is committed to creating a welcoming space for everyone, emphasizing respect and adherence to its personal conduct policy.  This type of environment helps ensure all patrons feel safe and valued while using the facility. 

Personal Conduct
Management reserves the right to deny entrance to, and/or remove individuals who display conduct which endangers the safety and comfort of patrons and staff. Any behavior that distracts or interferes with our lifeguards while performing their job may result in immediate removal from the facility. Any behavior towards any aquatic center staff that is considered to be disrespectful or inappropriate may result in immediate removal from the facility.

Child Supervision 
No child under the age of 14 may enter the facility without a caregiver. Children under the age of 10 must be under constant watch and control by their caregiver at all times. Caregivers must be at least 16 years old.

Check In 
Check in for season pass holders will be via QR code. Check in for guests after 1 pm will take place after payment and signing of waiver.

Bathing Attire 

The Hatfield Aquatic Center maintains a family friendly environment. We ask that patrons respect this intent and be appropriately covered at all times.  Swimming in street attire, such as cut-offs, is not permitted.

Bag Checks
All coolers and bags will be checked upon entry to the facility.  NO GLASS or ALCOHOL are permitted. Management reserves the right to check coolers and backpacks throughout the day.

Food & Drink 

Small coolers with snacks and beverages are allowed. All food and drinks should be kept away from all pool areas. NO glass containers are permitted anywhere on site, per Pennsylvania State regulations. NO alcohol is permitted: This includes, but is not limited to - wine coolers, hard iced tea, flavored malt beverages and 'spritzers' with an alcohol content. 

No Smoking/No Alcohol 

No smoking or consumption of alcohol at any time on township or aquatic center property. This includes outside entrances, and parking lots, during or after hours. NO alcohol is permitted. This includes wine coolers, hard iced tea, flavored malt beverages and 'spritzers' with an alcohol content. No smoking of any form is permitted on township or aquatic center property. This includes: E-cigarettes and vaping.

Personal Items and Seating
Deck chairs and other furniture are available as first come, first serve, can't be reserved ahead of arrival and are to stay in place on the deck. Patrons are permitted to bring their own seating to be placed in the grass areas ONLY. Seating brought in will NOT be permitted on the concrete deck. 

Pop-up tents (not exceeding 10x10 feet) or other such personal shade structures will be permitted to be placed along the fence line in designated areas. These must be anchored to the ground.

Umbrella use is limited to those attached to a chair. Spiking beach type umbrellas into the lawn is not permitted. Supervisors will instruct you to move any and all items that present a potential safety issue. 

Swim Diapers

Per Pennsylvania State Health Code, all children in diapers must wear swim diapers or diapers specifically designed for aquatic use. A bathing suit MUST be worn over the swim diaper. Children should be encouraged to use the restroom often.  If an ‘accident’ does occur, please report it immediately to a supervisor. The Aquatic Center offers swim diapers for sale - please ask a Supervisor located in a Red Chair on the deck.

Flotation Devices 

Anyone using a flotation device must be accompanied at arms - length by a responsible adult in the water. Only properly fitting, coast guard approved flotation devices are allowed. Should one be needed, they are available to loan from the facility. They are offered on a first come - first served basis.  Aids such as swimmies, back bubbles, or rings are not allowed in any pool areas. ADA flotation collars are provided by the aquatic center. 

Swim Test

The swim test is given hourly on the half hour mark beginning at 11:30am. The final test is given at 6:30pm. Those who pass the swim test will receive a yellow wristband. Keep this wristband for each visit.


Children age 12 and under who pass the deep water skills test will be given a yellow aquatic center wristband (indicating proficient deep water swimming skills). This allows access to restricted areas such as the Fit Pool, diving board and the green drop slide. Deep-water assessment tests are given by aquatic center lifeguards and supervisors. Visit the Guard Station on deck to determine if your child should take the deep water swim test. Sharing of wristbands is prohibited and could result in removal from the facility. Kindly remind your children to protect and value their wristband.


No Pets/Animals

With the exception of Service Animals, pets and animals are not allowed within the facility.