
Residents of Hatfield Township and those employed within the township are required to pay the following taxes:

Real Estate Tax

All owners of real estate in the township are required to pay real estate taxes to the township, the County, and the School District.

All Real Estate Taxes are collect by the elected tax collector.

Township and County tax bills are sent out in the beginning of February, and the face value is due by the end of July.

School tax bills are sent out in July. The discount amount is due by August 31st. The face amount is due by October 31st.

Earned Income Tax

All township residents that have earned income must pay a 1% tax on their wages, and township businesses must pay a 1% tax on their "net profits." Half of the money goes to the township and the other half goes to the School District.

"Earned Income" means salaries, wages, commissions, bonuses, incentive payments, fees, tips, and any other compensation received for services rendered. Not included are: Wages of active military personnel, Disability and Sick pay, Workman's compensation pay, Pensions, Public Assistance pay, Unemployment compensation and Social Security Payments. Also excluded is anyone who makes less than $5,000 in a Calendar year.

"Net Profits" means net income from the operation of a business, profession, or other activity, except corporations, after provision for all costs and expenses except income taxes.

The Earned Income Tax is unique in that it is taken out of wages where one works, yet it is owed where one lives. As a result a Hatfield resident could be in a situation where he/she owes 1% to the township and School District and yet work in a township where there is no earned income tax and so nothing is deducted from their pay. In such a case, estimated quarterly payments would have to be made directly to our Earned Income Tax Collector, Berkheimer, Inc.

At the beginning of each year Berkheimer, Inc. sends out tax forms to everyone who filed a return the previous year. These returns are due by April 15th. If you are a new resident, you can find the tax form and instructions for filing on Berkheimer's website or by looking at the section entitled "Forms" that follows. If you have questions about any responses you receive from Berkheimer on taxes due, please contact them directly. If for some reason you are having trouble contacting Berkheimer or feel that your case is not being adequately considered, then you should call the township and ask for the Finance Department.

Local Services Tax

As of January 1, 2007, the Occupational Privilege Tax ($10) became the Emergency and Municipal Services Tax ($52). As of January 1, 2008 the name was again changed by the state to the "Local Services Tax." The amount remains $52 but only a dollar a week can be deducted from an employee's pay. The tax is deducted from your pay and sent to Berkheimer, Inc. If you earn less than $12,000 during the year, you are entitled to a refund when you file your Earned Income Tax and fill out the refund request. Any questions? Please call the Hatfield Township Finance Director, at 215-855-0900.

Please visit our forms page to download the Local Services Tax Refund Request Form.

Amusement Tax

The amusement tax is a 10% tax on any admission fee or privilege to attend or engage in any amusement. Children under the age of 12 are exempt. This tax does not apply to movie theatres, places of historical or educational significance or places where activities are engaged in, the pre-dominant purpose of which is health maintenance, improvement or re-habilitation, health or nutrition education or weight control. Also excluded are athletic contests, school functions, religious, philanthropic, civic, or non-profit organizations.

Fire Hydrant Tax

$4.24 per single-family property; $4.24 plus $1.98 per unit for multiple dwellings; $13.28 for first industrial building, $4.24 for each additional building; $6.50 for commercial property, $3.11 for each additional unit. This tax is collected with the Real Estate tax.

Transfer Tax

Anyone buying or selling property in the township must pay a 1% transfer of property tax at settlement. One half of that tax goes to the township.