Swim Lesson Dates are as follows:
06-23 to 06-26
06-30 to 07-03
07-07 to 07-10
07-14 to 07-17
07-21 to 07-24
Time Slots:
8:00 am to 8:45 am
9:00 am to 9:45 am
10:00 am to 10:45 am
Cost per weekly session per child is $55.00.
Swim Lesson Descriptions
AGES 3-12
Beginner 1
Beginner 1 is for swimmers brand new to the water and may need extra support getting comfortable entering the pool. Swimmers will work on getting in shallow water on their own and starting basic skills such as bobbing, touching the bottom, floating with support on front and back, and basic supported flutter kicks.
Beginner 2
Beginner 2 is for swimmers who are comfortable getting in the water on their own and may have minimal previous experience in group lessons. Swimmers will be expected to independently submerge themselves and will master beginner skills (floating on front and back independently and kicking independently with a kick board) and will begin learning to tread.
Intermediate Swimmers should have previous experience with basic skills. They should be able to jump in the water and fully submerge themselves, float on front and back, and enter the beginning stages of front and back crawl. Swimmers will get comfortable going in deeper water and will learn how to “eggbeater” tread for up to 2 minutes.
Advanced Swimmers should already have basic front crawl/back crawl skills and be comfortable jumping into deep water. Swimmers will learn swim-team based skills such as gliding in streamline, breathing to the side, breaststroke and butterfly kicks, as well as basic dives into deep water. Swimmers will master treading and should be able to swim freestyle or backstroke for short distances.
Additional Information
When signing your child up, please make sure your child's name is used, and not yours:) Additionally, if you have multiple children signing up, make sure each child is signed up in their own slot. Sibling/groups cannot be grouped together in one time slot. The minimum age for group lessons is 3 years of age. If adverse weather conditions occur and lessons are cancelled, it will be announced here and on Hatfield Township Facebook page. Make-up lessons will occur on the Friday of the session week.
Parent/Guardian Expectations during Lesson Sessions- If there are any questions or issues that arise, please see the Swim Lessons Manager. Parents/Guardians can wait during the lessons in the snack bar area ONLY.
Click on the Dates for the Sign Up Genius Link Below to register. Payment can be made at Front Desk during the first day of lessons. Cash and/or Credit Card are accepted.
If you wish to sign your child up for private, one-on-one swim lessons at the Hatfield Aquatic Center, please fill out the interest form below.
Private Lessons will be available on Fridays and AFTER regular swim lesson season ends. Private lessons will be take place before the pool opens on the weekdays. Private lessons are NOT available during the group lesson sessions.
Private Lessons will be available to swimmers on a first come, first serve basis, and will depend on the number of available instructors
Swimmers that may need additional help in specific areas can take this opportunity to receive individualized attention to improve and master skills that group lessons have already taught. Private lessons are meant for swimmers that are seeking extra instruction time for SPECIFIC SKILLS such as treading, stroke work (freestyle and backstroke), basic head-first diving, etc. Please contact [email protected] for more information.
Seniors aged 60 and over can use the Lazy River in the morning from 9:30 am to 10:30 am Monday through Friday to walk for exercise. Cost is $2.00 per person per day. Walkers will need to clear the pool and pool area with their belongings by 10:45 am for the 11:00 am opening. Summer 2024 Lazy River Walking will start on 06/17/2024.