2310 Stratford Avenue, near Wellington Way
(Driveway entrance off of Garfield Ave.)
partnership with the Praxair Rooting for America Program, Hatfield
Township has maintained a tree/plant nursery on Stratford Ave. near
Hatfield Village since 1995. Through the years, the nursery has been a
resource for permanent plantings on Hatfield parkland and public open
space. Although the Rooting for America Program has ended, Hatfield
Township has made the commitment to continue a nursery, and has
developed a new site convenient to water and electricity. The site
is part of the Township's park system, and guests are welcome to visit
-- to use its resting benches or walk its grounds.
The nursery site includes:
- Three separate beds to progress young trees through various stages of growth
- A shade structure for holding plants awaiting proper transplant conditions
- An irrigation system
- On-site parking for a few cars
- Resting benches